Monday, January 2, 2012

Blog not updated for a while.


Blog shinoxyuna ni da lame da tak update. Start hari ni 2 Januari 2012 sampai hari-hari mendatang, insyaAllah shino akan terus meng-update  blog ni.

Kenapa shino da lame tak update blog ni?
1) Sebab sebelum ni, shino gune internet office untuk update blog ni...huhuhu...lepas shino berenti dari kerja tu, shino takde internet connection untuk update ape tu?tanye ayeemayam.

Shino buat ape sepanjang tak bekerja?
1) Habis je kerja kat klang tu, shino terus balik rumah. Semasa kerja tu, shino da di panggil untuk temuduga banyak syarikat da pun. Sebab tu berani berenti.hehe...
2) Kat rumah, shino tolong mak shino. mak shino jual makanan kat kantin sekolah. nak dijadikan cerita, satu hari tu, ade la guru besar datang kat shino. kat bawah ni kitorang borak...

Guru Besar: Da habis ke belajar?
Shino: Da habis da. baru je habis bulan 12 hari tu.
Guru Besar: oooo...tak kerja ke?
Shino: baru berenti kerja bulan 4 hai tu..
Guru Besar: la...kenapa berenti pulak?
Shino:hehe...ade konflik cikit...
Guru Besar: ooo...convo bile?
Shino: bulan 10 ni convo...(oktober 2011)
Guru Besar: lama lagi tu, tak nak kerja ke?
Shino: nak jugak...tapi takde rezeki lagi...
Guru Besar: ade pergi interview ke?
Shino: banyak sangat interview...tapi takde rezeki lagi...nak wat camne...huhu...
Guru Besar: ooo...kat sekolah ni ade nak pakai cikgu...cikgu sementara...nak jadi cikgu ke?
Shino: owh...boleh gak...boleh cari pengalaman...camne nak apply?
Guru Besar: nanti, bawak semua sijil kat bilik guru...
Shino: wokeh...

Bermula la career shino sebagai cikgu. Shino mengajar Bahasa Melayu selama tiga bulan...hehe...

Habis jadi cikgu, shino buat ape pulak?
1) Shino dapat tawaran untuk kerja kat IBM, sekarang ni, shino sedang bekerja kat IBM la...hehe...

IBM?Company ape tu?
1) Korang leh tengok website die kat SINI...

So, sekarang ni, shino leh kembali berblogging balik...tapi, shino still tak leh nak selalu update sebab sibuk dengan kerja...


grosir busana muslim said...

thx untuk artikelnya. bagus dan bermanfaat banget

Rul said...

OUhh.. macam tuu..
#singgah sini.,

Zierwa Zainal said...

syoknye jd cikgu,,dpt pengalamn..hehe

betting33 said...

From there, prosecutors say, they worked with "third-party financial facilitators to procure commodities and facilitate payments in US dollars on behalf of parties in North Korea."

syy577 said...

"The defendants and other co-conspirators concealed (Foreign Trade Bank) involvement in US dollar payments from Correspondent Banks in order to trick the banks into processing payments that the banks otherwise would not have done," the indictment says.

dok222 said...

but they've also seen an outpouring of public appreciation. In Russia, health workers say they face fear, mistrust -- and even open hostility.

ccclub700 said...

Tatyana Revva, an intensive care specialist in the central district hospital of the city of Kalach-on-Don in southern Russia, shared a video in late March about equipment shortages with the Doctors Alliance, an advocacy group aligned with Russia's political opposition. After the video went viral, she said, she was summoned by local police about it.

코리아카지노 said...

"I was called to the police and gave a statement with a lawyer, but another statement against me was sent to the prosecutor's office,"

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