Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kena tag?

Ni second time kn tag...First time si ayeem yg tag x smpt la plak nk join sbb contest da hbs...hehe...Kali ni, miera lak tag ak...TQ...Kn jwb smua solan ni ke?Klu x jwb, bleh?hehe...grw je..ok2...lets c...

1.Name one person who made you laugh last nite??
Yoona...ske sgt knkn ak...

2. What were u doing 1 hour ago?
Mkn mee bandung kat aisyah restaurant(ayeem n robot tau tmpt ni)...

3. What was da last thing u said out loud?
Hahaha!!!Ak ske sgt ketawa smpe Oury(ayeem tau spe die ni) gelar ak the laughter...huhu...

4. Where's da next place you're going to?
Futsal court...Kjp lg nk men futsal...

5. What was da last thing u paid for?
Bayar mee bandung ngan teh o ais...:P

6. Where were u last nite?
Office...Duk men tenet dlm opis je...hehe...blk ak sblh opis je..ahaha...

7.What da besh ice cream flavour?
Opcos chocolate n vanilla...

8. Do u wanna cut your hair?
Bru je ptg...x ske pnjg sgt...

9. Do u love to 'melatah'?
X...Tp ak ske tgk org x baik ketawakan org mlth...

10. If dat so ( melatah), what will u said out loud?
Setakat ni, xpenah lg...

11. What does da last text-msg received say?

12. Will u get married in da future?
yup...kompem...Yoona..wait 4 me...:)

13. Do u chew on ur straw?

14. Do u make-up your own words?
no...this is real...:D

15. Is there anyone u like/love rite now?

16.Tag to other 5 bloggers/more

Hmm,moh aku nak tembak.sape kena,sila jawab k..

Kawan2 yg plg rapat dgn ak...


  1. eh, bila masa aku bukak restoran tuh?
    x pernah dpt income pong...hoho

  2. haha, bukan kali ketiga ke ko kena tag? aku tag kat kau la latest post aku. yang camera tu. haha.

  3. ade...wt2 lupe plak..ahaha...aisyah...anda di tag yea...

  4. eh...ko tag aku ke tu, ingatkan org laen
    hehu....kena jugok yek, aduss

  5. ayeem: lupe plak y 2...(x ngaku jd kameraman)ahaha...

    aisyah: yea cah..kamu ler 2..hehe...

  6. amboi. rajin betul ko tag aku yer.
    okey2 aku buat nnti.

  7. aku slalu konfius ko dgn encik shino (kawan aku) :p

    btw, nice blog :)

  8. Ct: hehe...skali skala...ehehe...

    Mr noble: eh...ade kembar plak...ahaha...

  9. skali skala.
    2 kali 2 kala.
    3 kali nak kena??

  10. ahaha...lek ar ct...jgn marah...hehehe...nti ak tag ko lg yea..hehehe..
